[Free PDF] Gundracil – Playtest edition (digital)


All you need to play Gundracil



This free PDF document is all you need to play this buggy game with your friends or family. The only thing the Dungeon Master has to do is: Make up an adventure for the players. Or – adjust an existing adventure from another TTRPG and adjust the enemies and challenges to Gundracil. Pay attention to the files on the download page – you can download the book and character sheet via the links.

Keep in mind that this is only a second version. We are still play testing the game and coming up with new ideas, rectifications and balancing patches. We hope you love the buggers out of it, though!

If you like the product, please consider donating. This allows us to reach out to artists and to eventually release Adventure modules for Gundracil. If you want this playtest version in print, please send us an email.

Please provide us with your feedback after playing Gundracil. We greatly appreciate it.

Send an email to kevin@gundracil.com


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